Conference Program – Day One
A Deeper Dive into Differentiation
Our speakers will review the history of differentiation and how the practice is utilised in inclusive classrooms today to cater for a range of learners. We will also explore different models of differentiation and consider how these may be used for gifted learners in primary and secondary schools.
Teachers in locations beyond 350km of Brisbane can register for the Friday workshop to attend via zoom. This is not available through the website, so please email for registration paperwork.
PDF timetable for Friday and Saturday available for download
7:30 – 8:30
Registration (on Plaza level). Delegates collect name badge and lanyard. Coffee and tea available from 8:00am.
8:30 – 10:15
Session 1
8:30 – Welcome by Anthony Stevens
Tribute to Miraca Gross – Jim Watters
Session 1
9.00 – Professor Jim Watters
Principles associated with Differentiation
A brief history of differentiation, the general principles associated with differentiation, what happens in schools, and what teachers do. The focus is on three dimensions of gifted education: Opportunity, Disposition/Potential, and Interest/Curiosity.
This session will set the ground parameters and common understanding for the following speakers in the day.
Bio: Jim has had over 40 years’ experience in gifted education as a classroom science teacher, university lecturer and researcher. Currently he is an Adjunct Professor at QUT having retired from academia in 2013. Jim’s broad interests have focussed on the processes of learning and motivation in high ability people particularly in domains of science, engineering and mathematics. Jim has an extensive international publication record in these fields and has supervised more than 40 doctoral students. His contributions to gifted education were acknowledged through the 2012 AAEGT Eminent Australian Award.
Session 1
10:00 – Mark Oliver
To gain an understanding of the differentiation practices currently used in schools, we invite you to complete a brief and anonymous survey about the types of differentiated practices that you use to cater for gifted learners. Results will be shared and reviewed at the end of the day.
Bio: Mark E. Oliver is a Lecturer in Education at the University of Southern Queensland, and is the facilitator of the QAGTC Online Parent Network. Mark was a school coordinator of Learning Enrichment in schools prior to studying gifted education at the National Centre for Research on Gifted Education at the University of Connecticut. Mark is a registered counsellor who specialises in supporting gifted learners and families.
10:15 – 10:40
Morning Tea
Morning tea and exhibition.
10:45 – 12:15
Session 2
Dr Carly Lassig
Differentiation for Inclusion
An exploration of differentiation within contemporary classrooms will be led by Dr Carly Lassig, who will stimulate reflection on what differentiation is and is not, where differentiation fits within the inclusive education agenda, and how differentiation assists teachers to be more inclusive of diverse students, including those who demonstrate giftedness.
Bio: Carly Lassig is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice and a member of The Centre for Inclusive Education at Queensland University of Technology. She teaches inclusive education and gifted education to pre-service teachers, supervises postgraduate student researchers, provides professional development to schools and parents, and researches and publishes in her passion areas. Her research and teaching interests include: inclusive education and gifted education; inclusive pedagogies such as differentiation and Universal Design for Learning; and creativity. Carly is also a former classroom teacher and a parent to two young children.
12:15 – 12:55
Lunch and exhibition.
1:00 – 2:15
Session 3
Dr Frances Hoyte
Navigating Differentiation for Gifted Students
A discussion of various differentiation models and strategies will be led by Dr Frances Hoyte and the evidence basis underpinning the approaches and links to curriculum areas will be explored.
Bio: Frances Hoyte has extensive experience in classroom teaching and educational leadership. A commitment to meeting the social and educational needs of gifted students has been a significant part of her professional life. Currently she works as an Inclusion Teacher, contributes to initial teacher education and researches literacy education, teacher education and teacher professionalism.
2:15 – 2:30
Rest break
2:30 – 3:45
Session 4
Practical Strategies for Differentiation
This session will be a theory to practices session, where attendees will consider differentiation strategies applicable to their own planning.
2:30 – Nicole Brownlie –Adjusting assessment Tasks for differentiation – 20 mins
2:50 – Gail Young + Frances Hoyte – Process and Consideration for Acceleration – 20 mins
3:10 – Mark Oliver – share survey results with the group and discuss the implications for future professional development.
3:30 – Anthony Stevens – Close of day
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